This step you take brings you to realize what revolves me and you

Save today for happiness.Cherish today and live everyday with hope of tomorrow.Thanks for your time

Thursday, May 30, 2013

To live in the world

To live in this world ,it's not whether you re sad or happy.Not as simple as when you're sad,you need comfort ,when you're happy you share with people you love.Everything you say affects in some way.I have grown up to be stubborn and insistent of what I believe in myself.thats how I believe.if its wrong ,show me and not take me by your threats and scolding.I m human,I have my limits as a person.

Everyone expects something from me,Do they understand my feelings or who I am,what I am I inside actually.My sad thoughts ,my happy anticipation ,my grieve over loss, the pressure that can kill.
 you say something right,others will reach out to help you.Do they see that I don't like that burden.Then I'm said to be ungrateful.All they do is force their feelings.When I say that,it seems that I'm too attached to this blog.But can everything be measured by right and wrong.

I'm human,no perfection.So much imperfection that I can only strive for the right direction.Sadden by the reality that my closest tend to pretend to make reality such that it becomes fantasy.Is not as though I don't appreciate people's efforts that why I endure and move to this path.Do they see that I'm walking a slower pace.

Submerged in a lost world.Theres little light.Beneath the path is an escape route that is filled with darkness and grieve that only I can walk out.

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