This step you take brings you to realize what revolves me and you

Save today for happiness.Cherish today and live everyday with hope of tomorrow.Thanks for your time

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Growing up years

Each time I look through those photos,I realize more things.Is as though,I was there and those emotions run through me like a train passing by the autumn scented trees.

I begun evaluating myself whether the current situation matches our future.Yes,my attitude is sometimes the worse but I did it because I am myself.I hate people pretending to and I hate that implemented in my actions because the world I believe in is still filled with truth.Darkness is hidden in everyone and it only takes the most precious things we hold on to.Betrayal,Jealousy,Danger and Hypocrisy.It all thought us many lessons.Many for too much.

Innocence and Ignorance only bring nothing but fantasy.Trust and Hope brings nothing but kindness which can cause others to be hurt sometimes.

They what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.But to be stronger,you have to suffer.

Those who are unnaturally calm tends to find temporary misery to fill the void in their hearts.

Those who perish forever gives others another lease of life called sacrifice.

They call humans weird and can't be phatomed.

But funny,each time we look at something or someone dear,we forget the world.Then we name it relieve and sometimes cure.

However nothing last forever ,those memories,those items we hold on to,people we cherish,people we love so much,sufferings.Those will cease to exists or else be forgotten one day.

However with fate,they might come alive once more.

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