This step you take brings you to realize what revolves me and you

Save today for happiness.Cherish today and live everyday with hope of tomorrow.Thanks for your time

Monday, July 27, 2015

Weight loss

I have been on reduction mode since about 4 years ago.I have been less than I would have in Form 5.I use to consume about 3000 calories and above.With one can drink and a packet of potato chips per day.I used to weigh 77 kg before my SPM.I started losing weight since I went to the gym.What sparked me.I guess the feeling where I didnt feel confortable anymore,breathlessness and also inspired to look better.Today I weigh about 64 kgs and that is sti a lot for my height.It is below BMI 25 but I am not satisfied.After my Part 1 LLB exams during the summers,I had this spirit to go workout.Reduce my food and also watch my food intake.Avoid unnecessary eating and prevent bloating.Most importantly make aure you get the proper food at the same time.My best advice is Stay Away From Sugary Drinks.Drink Plain Water or if you feel bored with that (call it Sky Juice)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Till this day,I was not one whom openly declared everything I feel.Please direct me to a person who does? Yes.I can be dishonest sometimes,thats cause I want it that way.Until the end,I can only hurt you with my lies but not my sowrd.I dont know which one worse,but I guess lies.Many people love to discuss their love life ,which person did that and this,who is smarter or blah blah,I love this idol.I cant do that.Perhaps the best is to leave it to yourself.Not everyone wants to know,and not everyone tells.Call me whatever,I will be me.


I am not crazy but today once more,I cried watching Plastic Memories.I love Isla,the main character,in the anime,she is a giftia ; in which all are given a lifespan of 81920 hours,equivalent to 9 years plus and they are like human,with a soul.Only to be erased of its memories after those hours.I often wondered what if someone dear to me just left.It did happen recently,we werent th closest to each other but i felt it.I wondered what if one day I were to leave.I must take nothing with me,but will my memories be mine to keep.It is more invicible than a mystery.Today,I felt a tinge of reality amidst something created.Irony