This step you take brings you to realize what revolves me and you

Save today for happiness.Cherish today and live everyday with hope of tomorrow.Thanks for your time

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Hello to no readers

Here is to nothing.I have been keeping up with this blog since 2009 if im not mistaken.Thats about 6 years.I have always been someone who kept to herself partially.There are certains things i dont want people to know.Thats called privacy.Since young,often got teased by people.Like oh you like that guy or who is after you.I dont have much of  a social life,my life is surrounded by those closest to me.I dont know the reason,it just that i prefer to go with the flow not sudden dramatic vhanes without reason.Not much of a reader i am,i love experiencing things.But so many things experienced made me stress everytime something was up.I knew how to do it but i feared the process.Just watched DH interview i find that yea we are the same.Things used to be so stressful and i hated it.It made me negative about certain areas.Things are different at 21.You must let go and stay calm.No point rushing because life is only that.It is not how you think but what it is.You just have to go around it and figure something out.I used to get so irritated with arrogant peoplr and those who are so strangely quiet but now i fully understand their feelings.Everyone who lives on this planet have emotions.So does nature.Understand the differences and embrace it,you live in a more positive world and its all in.I dont think im crazy to say that destiny has arrived.Even though he is so far away i feel this connection so deep i cant explain.I love everything he does and what he says cause it comes from his heart.His weakness for tears in my eyes are just a droplet of his feelings that comes from deep within.I love how he wants to become a father as soon as possible.I want to be your child's mother.I love how he smiles at silly things his friend does cause its beautiful.Its just natural.I like how modest when he answer interviews him.I love how exaggerated my feelings are that i must say and profess to the world because he gives me courage.I like how he love dogs cause i do.I love how he like black blue and white cause those colours are the ones i love best.I love how we are 7 years apart.i love how we are the same horoscope sign.I love how his hair is gel.I love his style especially how he looks good in any hairstyle whether short or medium length.I like his efforts and his words.I like how i think silently about him in everything.I like how he posts on instagram and sometimes i get to post after him and we think the same.I love how he says be healthy since i too think wishing people good health is important.I love how puppy his eyes are and how nice of a nose he has.Its beautiful.I like my hope that we will be at the same place one day.I like how he writes his lyrics especially Still you and sometimes i feel like singing it to him.I like my old self,the more unpractical but now that he arrived,i want to be good use to him and give him the happiness he deserves.I want to be someone to you Eastsea.Do you know that i even plan silly things just to bump into you,i know its like set up byt thats just how i think.

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