This step you take brings you to realize what revolves me and you

Save today for happiness.Cherish today and live everyday with hope of tomorrow.Thanks for your time

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Have a good discussion

I have talked about my friend to others.And i talk to her about others,doesnt that make me a bad person too.I need to change that but its still human nature.I had a good conversation with her.I still cant tell her everything cause it will cause a volcano eruption.Its my problem,I solve it.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Exams near the corner

Dear bloggers, Like many of you,I am a student in Part1 LLB under University of London International Programme.My ambition is to explore a different part of this world and take a moment to go to those places i only see in movies or shows.I love watching television.I have learnt most from watching tv but now i learnt more on internet or reading news articles or journals.Otherwise the easiest laziest way is to Google.I am having my first paper on 7th May for Law of Tort,damn the cases are not in my head yet,not to mention the fact that we have to write fast,structured and add our comments.Is that even human.I really like this course,it was so comfortable to be in.I felt that i belong here and here I am.During this past 7 months,i have changed my thinking.I will think over why i do things now.Using more common sense and logic and more critical thinking skills to evaluate myself and inherit that into my work.Things are to be reached out for.We must teach ourselves to practice and familiarize and learn from our mistakes and make it right.Dont procrastinate cause eventually it will pile up and get back to you.Learn to understand not memorize.Use good language and present your thinking in a presentable and intellectual manner,your work really reflects your thoughts and understanding.Make use of all resources including lecturers,books,friends.Share your doubts and we all improve together.Studying law,you must write and do assignments.When you attempt questions,you learn the theories,clear your misunderstanding about certain areas and prompt you to ask.Explore as much questions as possible.But since we are all pressed for time,learn the essentials topic first and specialize in the area,then the ''what if'' topics comes as back up.Do typical and cliche questions for often you learn easier there,more specialize and you form a structure in your brain.Remember not to spoon feed you pal with information,think.If you dotn think,you wont know you are ignorant.Ask questiosn fools.Are you that great to underestimate lecturers.Istantly,they can recognize those who fail or pass.It like looking through a glass for them.Get family support,rest well at night,eat well,dont burn midnight oil.You should have prepared from start,if you aim pass,work like you are aiming for 60.Thats the rule.Surpass the standards.Never stop,just rest.Go watch anime or Super junior shows like me.Kekeke.Do what you like,laugh your stress away.Be happy ansswering your questions,its your time to shine.Make sure you reserve your last week for quick summary.Dont read old things.expend your knowledge,if you dont see front,how do you know its your back? Complain on your blog,post crazy things and show the whole world you are crazy.Oh man,i love this post. Yours sincerely,the future LLB-alumni of 2016

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Life Goal

One of my life goal is to be here one day to see Tokyo Illumination with someone special 😁

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Screwed up people

As i was heading to the bus station just awhile ago,this freaking man in shades told me that my bag was running left and right,excuse me are you trying bully young people or is it because i am not one of your people.You screwed up frog,is it your fucking business.If you see someone with heavy bag in front,just move mean that when you drive you dont look in front.Sometimes.i suspect that people are do indulged in propaganda that they forget we are all humans.Especially harrasing someone who has a bad flu.F you dude

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Hello.Just wanted post some travelling photos i took.I went on a 3 day 2 night trip nearby.Went to pray my great grandparents since it was qingming and good friday.My adoptive great grandparents were catholics who passed away during 1960's.They are buried in Parit Yaani.Near Yong Peng.My grandma who just passed away must be in heaven right now.Hope they are all there.We went around Kluang to late grandpa's shop,then to Seremban .Me and bro went watch Parasyte,the japanese was gorry but enjoyed it since it was late at night.Took a trip down to Port Dickson and Melaka.Met up with Grandma's cousin who lives in an apartment with her maid.Bought food for her.Wanted to order D&E album but was not sent to Malaysia yet.Wish my sister better health since she was diagnosed wih hypothyroidism.Better health and days to all.

Hello to no readers

Here is to nothing.I have been keeping up with this blog since 2009 if im not mistaken.Thats about 6 years.I have always been someone who kept to herself partially.There are certains things i dont want people to know.Thats called privacy.Since young,often got teased by people.Like oh you like that guy or who is after you.I dont have much of  a social life,my life is surrounded by those closest to me.I dont know the reason,it just that i prefer to go with the flow not sudden dramatic vhanes without reason.Not much of a reader i am,i love experiencing things.But so many things experienced made me stress everytime something was up.I knew how to do it but i feared the process.Just watched DH interview i find that yea we are the same.Things used to be so stressful and i hated it.It made me negative about certain areas.Things are different at 21.You must let go and stay calm.No point rushing because life is only that.It is not how you think but what it is.You just have to go around it and figure something out.I used to get so irritated with arrogant peoplr and those who are so strangely quiet but now i fully understand their feelings.Everyone who lives on this planet have emotions.So does nature.Understand the differences and embrace it,you live in a more positive world and its all in.I dont think im crazy to say that destiny has arrived.Even though he is so far away i feel this connection so deep i cant explain.I love everything he does and what he says cause it comes from his heart.His weakness for tears in my eyes are just a droplet of his feelings that comes from deep within.I love how he wants to become a father as soon as possible.I want to be your child's mother.I love how he smiles at silly things his friend does cause its beautiful.Its just natural.I like how modest when he answer interviews him.I love how exaggerated my feelings are that i must say and profess to the world because he gives me courage.I like how he love dogs cause i do.I love how he like black blue and white cause those colours are the ones i love best.I love how we are 7 years apart.i love how we are the same horoscope sign.I love how his hair is gel.I love his style especially how he looks good in any hairstyle whether short or medium length.I like his efforts and his words.I like how i think silently about him in everything.I like how he posts on instagram and sometimes i get to post after him and we think the same.I love how he says be healthy since i too think wishing people good health is important.I love how puppy his eyes are and how nice of a nose he has.Its beautiful.I like my hope that we will be at the same place one day.I like how he writes his lyrics especially Still you and sometimes i feel like singing it to him.I like my old self,the more unpractical but now that he arrived,i want to be good use to him and give him the happiness he deserves.I want to be someone to you Eastsea.Do you know that i even plan silly things just to bump into you,i know its like set up byt thats just how i think.