This step you take brings you to realize what revolves me and you

Save today for happiness.Cherish today and live everyday with hope of tomorrow.Thanks for your time

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

What is wrong with them

People come and go.There are those who are still here.How can people who talked to you so fine and waived to you suddenly become so cold.I wonder what i did or what happened to them.I have a classmate who I think is cheerful and smart suddenly skips classes and appear out of nowhere.I just joked with you after so long,is it so hard to absorb that you think i am weird.When i shut up,people say im arrogant,should open up more.When i begin to open myself,people think im weird when i did nothing but the social norm of joking and making fun of.I mean few months back we could still grert each other and talk occasionally,suddenly strangers again.What the heck? Why I am so bothered over one conversation? Because once upon a time,i really liked being friends and coursemates with you but it seems i was just a passerby for you.You may think it doesnt matter but it hurts.Is as if I did something wrong but no one wants to tell me.I dont think i did something incorrigible

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