This step you take brings you to realize what revolves me and you

Save today for happiness.Cherish today and live everyday with hope of tomorrow.Thanks for your time

Friday, October 21, 2011

Frightening truth

Don't be scolded by a girl if you are a guy,it indicates that you are being annoying and immatured.It all begun with a good start and you realize how that person is affected .Don't not attempt to bring down others cause what goes around comes back around.Don't
Assume that no one is watching cause humans are born with brains .Your heart dorms
Lie .Your body language and speech and conduct can tell a lot,it hurts to lose respect from others cause its gone for good for all you know.don't expect others to know you when you don't reach out for others.This world is not owned by you alone.If you are a man.own up your mistake or risk losing your pride further cause you are just a man without gall bladder if you are a coward.I don't want tO Hurt you hence I didn't post this.But I still assume you are my friend no matter how you talk to others cause if without fate ,we won't be friends! And I appreciate your thoughts!

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