This step you take brings you to realize what revolves me and you

Save today for happiness.Cherish today and live everyday with hope of tomorrow.Thanks for your time

Monday, February 23, 2015

Although I was ready,It did not happen

12 days ago,Grandma passed away at 11.25 pm at Tan Tock Seng Hospital in ward 6A11.She passed on due to Ischemic Heart Disease peacefully surrounded by close family members.Your best memories will be our living space.May the angels lead you to a place where love is everlasting and painless.I miss you every second but life is life.Death is part and parcel.Im so proud of you for living with so much bravery and your last hugs and words will be etched to my mind always.My prayers stop time for I want the best for you.This lost will be cured.Your pain vanished into thin air like how vulnerable life is.With everlasting love,Crystal

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Things I have done that I should not

It was a short weekend,was sitting down revising Law of Tort when I suddenly recalled my actions during my school days.Perhaps I should not have said that I knew something about someone else no passing their exams in front of the person I should not have mention to the most,Perhaps now he got a wrong impression of me even if I didnt mean it or he still talks to me.I should not have said he looked like nemo and let some people think I was being flamboyant.I should not have commented on my friend's grandma dish.I should not have looked up to someone so much,yet I am not liked.I should not have trusted my coursemates too much.