This step you take brings you to realize what revolves me and you

Save today for happiness.Cherish today and live everyday with hope of tomorrow.Thanks for your time

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The friend i lost

Its been 2 months since the final semester break.Been through numerous stuff.Recently,I literally lost the friend i knew 8 months ago.I came to find out that he betrayed my friend and threathened others to achieve his own goals.Is it out of desperation or greed ? I hate such a person because i hate to see my friend in such a state.You were to me a loyal,caring,serious,intelligent chap.I have seen you change much.I treated you sort of like a brother,but I treated the person i knew before as my brother not the person that i see now.Your behaviour and doings is something i cant accept,anyway it wont matter to you.From now on,you are just a normal friend that i see everyday and a classmate to me.Anyway,you have many others to treat you better and I guess what i do doesnt matter to you anyway.But I will never forget how well you treated me,i wish you success in the right path with no foulplay.

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