This step you take brings you to realize what revolves me and you

Save today for happiness.Cherish today and live everyday with hope of tomorrow.Thanks for your time

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The one and only

Do you understand the true meaning of one and only ? Is there such ? I cant help but think of what i have been through these few months,a couple of things really drove me to wake up and think.So far,what is the best memory,i cant think of it? What's your biggest achievement? whatsoever.I dont want to remember neither do i want to try cause it comes naturally,Naturally is the awesome keyword.I really need to find it,i found it maybe ? I dont want to settle for one and lose my dignity cause i believe there is something.InitiALLY,YOU ARE Certain but later on ,what you see is really dont match what you think neither do you want to get involve .Its non of your business.i trult hate it BUT i will do what i think is right.without being biase .because i love me,myself and I !i cant lose myself .

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