This step you take brings you to realize what revolves me and you

Save today for happiness.Cherish today and live everyday with hope of tomorrow.Thanks for your time

Monday, December 10, 2007

On December the seventh,it was too sunny evening for our own good..we thought it was gonna rain but it was the ,my sis,my cousin,my aunt,and my grandma went to sentosa in s'pore,waloo i think it was 40 degrees hot,my sis and my cousin can tahan but i can't loh ,i walk the shaky bridge,i step into the southern most point of south east asia,i sat under the coconut tree and played with the sand ,many people were dressed in bikini ,some topless,and a rare sight of a maid dressed in swimsuit helping her mum to put the suntan oil ...damn funny...i saw this shells moving..they were alive men...knowing that my family don' like seeing all this things i couldn't bring them back...that place is great ,easy access,easy transportation,easy to see beautiful scenery too,it was great going in that place the third time in my life.....i ate this plate of baby octupus with that delicious sauce that tasted the greatest of all,then we went to vivocity to eat...we ate the famous chinese dimsum xiao long pao..i waited 6 months to eat this ....i tasted then ma la soup with noodles ,black pepper stir fried beef,pork chop rice and guo tie(fried dumplings....for the first time i ate the xiao long pao....that dinner from asian kitchen costed 80 something sing dollars....i visited the anime shop and i saw cute puppies and baby hamsters on the way too at the world of was tiring but nice ...i went to amk hub and drank the pou pou cha and it was so enjoyable ...i drank the passion fruit drink aunt and cousin went to church we only ate chicken wings that was so nice for supper......damn shiok

1 comment:

Krys said...

love ur blog cryssy! when r u gonna make a cbox?