This step you take brings you to realize what revolves me and you

Save today for happiness.Cherish today and live everyday with hope of tomorrow.Thanks for your time

Monday, August 8, 2016

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Dear brothers and sister

I have so much to day after dreaming of you.I want to give you a warm embrace and tell you how sorry to have not been there at your worst times.I have so much to say but last time we met.I could not say.I cherished each of you but things had its way of going around.I really miss you guys every festival and every other day.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Missing you

Lots of things happened and changed.My view about relationship.Im not really as into it as others.It is an all or nothing.What I know is that I miss you even more.I believe we will meet one day when we are meant to.Please take care and be happy!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Miss you

Its been more than a month since your enlistment,I feel extremely lonely but optimistic because I know you will return one day.This deafening loneliness and all the accumulated troubles I can tell no one.I will wait for your return.I can only look back at the photos and give myself reminder.

Monday, November 9, 2015


Been  almost 3 months in school now.I think I never felt more alone.My close friend starting to show some irritating aspects of her but I still like her.Everyone feels what I feel but no one wants to let her know.I feel so stressed but I know many things keep me going.Drumming and working in gym to match my ideal weight at 53kg.Sometimes I feel so alone as if no one cares but I know Im wrong.Its just the moment.So this random guy in my class I met twice outside school in unexpected places.I thought it was destiny but when I searched my soul,why did I feel so.Did I just want his attention or others attention.I should be my self shouldnt I.I shouldnt posts things just to get likes and get noticed.My good friend adores him but some part of me know its just his good looks and we all dont understand him at all.It just a silent game to wait for each other to confess. I really dont think the compliment or approach to talk and acknowledgement stands for nothing.I cant tell anyone neither will I admit it.Im not such a great person to tell the whole world how i feel cause they dont care.Trust me.I have been vexed for months now ever since he said the word "cute".I always think too much but that gaze cant fool a cat even.All saud and done.Maybe i should stop pursuing and start living really

Thursday, October 15, 2015

A break to start afresh

It's been about a month plus since school started and I'm trying to get my engine started.Been busy goin for classes and gyming,drumming.Im aiming for firsts and to make everyone who love me proud to be associated with me.Mostly I'm miss EastSea who is in army.I miss your warmth through Instagram,suddenly I felt a very lonely vibe when you left.Its sad but I told myself I will come to you when you are discharged as a better and more capable person.If Earth allows me to meet you in the dozen dreams of you especially on your birthday then I am meant to be.I love you and will be waiting.❤️Alwaysいちも Happy Birthday !

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


I had a strong urge to blog this.Now,every girl has fantasy of someone they like.I said like not love.Like can be friend like or love like.I am pretty sure that we all dont admit either one.I thought loving someone was something where you really want their attention.But,no.No matter where you are,you think of them and always wish them to have the best in the world and you guys feel a connection right from the start wihtout realising.Sadly,I have not been in love.It is mutual feelings that count,not one sided.Grwoing up in a controlled environment,I never knew what was making own decisions until few years back,I was never wrong neither was I perfect but I respect the way.What does it like to get unrequited ffelings and those you will never know existed until you combat your fears and reputation.Is it that I need to cast aside my biggest pride to find it? Do I need to put equal effort.Yes,everyone is look concious.We all want to look our best for people we like and those opposite.But the biggest mistake is to lose yourself.I have been blogging for a super long time now.I can see myself growing to who I am.People get shocked not because I chnaged but because I revealed something I have never revealed and I dare not reveal and I may have lied about how I felt truly.