This step you take brings you to realize what revolves me and you

Save today for happiness.Cherish today and live everyday with hope of tomorrow.Thanks for your time

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


I had a strong urge to blog this.Now,every girl has fantasy of someone they like.I said like not love.Like can be friend like or love like.I am pretty sure that we all dont admit either one.I thought loving someone was something where you really want their attention.But,no.No matter where you are,you think of them and always wish them to have the best in the world and you guys feel a connection right from the start wihtout realising.Sadly,I have not been in love.It is mutual feelings that count,not one sided.Grwoing up in a controlled environment,I never knew what was making own decisions until few years back,I was never wrong neither was I perfect but I respect the way.What does it like to get unrequited ffelings and those you will never know existed until you combat your fears and reputation.Is it that I need to cast aside my biggest pride to find it? Do I need to put equal effort.Yes,everyone is look concious.We all want to look our best for people we like and those opposite.But the biggest mistake is to lose yourself.I have been blogging for a super long time now.I can see myself growing to who I am.People get shocked not because I chnaged but because I revealed something I have never revealed and I dare not reveal and I may have lied about how I felt truly.