This step you take brings you to realize what revolves me and you

Save today for happiness.Cherish today and live everyday with hope of tomorrow.Thanks for your time

Friday, December 11, 2009

Holidays and updates

Hi BLOG ! It's been quite sometime isn't it.Well . i don't know why but i've been quite quite relaxed this few weeks , probably the rip to Jakarta cheered me up somehow.Well , everything seems to be different now. Results in school, not up to standard , life at home sometimes or all the time , pampered .i think that i am a different person know cause along this 3 years , the things that i have learnt are WOW-ER THAN WOW ...yes..sorry for the language back there .I really learnt a lot....when i say a lot it means a's been hard trying to live up to a certain standard and requires a lot of patience and peseverance . But I believe in myself .....i will give my all towards it and never look back cause i gave my all entirely...a lot people might not know this but in actual I actually someone really gets annoyed easily .....How I wish someone understands ....I don't like to leave a bad impression but seriously i always have high expectations from myself which I know that i can't live with it .Everyday , waking up for the past 10 years ....going to god ....i remind myself that being a student isn't hard but it isn't easy at all....i feel like leaving school immediately....i mean in actual .....i feel not prepared cause i still feel like i'm not matured to handle real things yet but that is just an act of immaturity i have got to face the world one day long can you wait ? 10 years , 15 years or 20 years later ....come on you are not that young anymore've got a long way ahead of you and you are still young and healthier than most older people must have the drive .....the drive to pursue what you like ......God gave you an extraordinary life where you face death so close've got to cherish it and prove your worth....i will be cheering you on !!!!!! I WON'T LET GO EVEN A SECOND BECAUSE SPM 2010 .i will prove my worth to you ! cheer.................Dont forget to study