This step you take brings you to realize what revolves me and you

Save today for happiness.Cherish today and live everyday with hope of tomorrow.Thanks for your time

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Here's something to share

Life goes on,
Even though i couldn't pass my add math ,
For the 3rd time ,
But i told myself never to give up ,
Try harder ,
I walking towards a lamp post,
I got a wake up call,
CAUSE i didn't focus enough to not hit the lamp post ,
Life is like that ,
When you don't focus ,
You will never see what's i,
n front of you ,
The best thing ,
Life is short ,
You won't need to use so much patience ,
and QUALITY is what i seek ,
Not the length ,
I would rather eat the chocolate ,
than to just not eat and not put on the weight ,
No regrets ,
A truth and reality in my life encyclopedia ,
Never regret ,
just do it!
Never turn back ,
Is my principle ,
Just use your heart in everything,
No problems in the world ,
will be the wall that separates ,
you and your problems.